ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold an informational public meeting on Wednesday, October 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Patapsco Room of the Miller Branch Library (masks are required) located at 9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City, to present plans for a stream stabilization project in Columbia. 

The project will restore and stabilize approximately 700 linear feet of an existing stream bed owned by the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks and located behind the properties from 2713 Thornbrook Road to 2665 Thornbrook Road. The stream is a perennial headwater stream that drains into an unnamed tributary to the Patapsco River. The project will receive Total Maximum Daily Load credits for the County’s National Pollutant Elimination System permit. The project is expected to begin in late January 2022.

The meeting will include a presentation and discussion of the project plans. County staff and the project’s design consultant, Stantec/Straughan, will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments.
Those unable to attend the meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Mr. Charles Dammers with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-6416 or email cdammers@howardcountymd.gov.
An interpreter for people who are deaf or hard of hearing will be available if requested seven working days prior to the meeting. Please call DPW at 410-313-3440 (voice) or use Relay at 7-1-1, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The project is funded through the County’s Watershed Protection and Restoration Fund.

For questions or more information about Capital Projects D-1176, contact Lisa Brightwell, Public Works Customer Service, at 410-313-3440 or email publicworks@howardcountymd.gov.

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