Take advantage of our many recycling outreach materials. Download brochures, posters and signs. Watch and share our educational videos and ads. Test your skills with the Know Before You Throw sorting game. Take a virtual tour of our facilities and more! Our School Recycling page provides classroom and cafeteria posters, contests, and more.

Learn all about Howard County's third public landfill open to both commercial and residential customers. In this virtual tour of Alpha Ridge Landfill you get a behind the scenes look at our Transfer Station, Wood Waste Drop-off Area and our state-of-the-art Composting Facility.
Schedule a tour of the Residents' Convenience Center. A Recycling Coordinator will guide your group and discuss what is collected and what happens to all those items. Many things are reused or recycled, but trash is collected too.
The group may also tour the Composting Facility (see below). This tour is great for scout groups trying to earn badges/patches. Did you know most of Howard County's trash is exported to a landfill in VA? Tours are typically scheduled Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Contact us to schedule.
Can't make the guided tour? Take a virtual tour from your couch! Learn all about the Residents' Convenience Center from the comfort of your home with our virtual tour.
Howard County has constructed a state of the art facility to produce quality compost. More information about this new facility can be found on the Composting Facility webpage. Contact Jeff Dannis to schedule or for more information.
Sort Your Waste
Is that recyclable? Trash? Household Hazardous Waste?
COVID-19 Update: While offices remain closed to the public, we are unable to accept certificates or distribute indoor recycling containers at this time.
Milk cartons? Plastic bags? Cooking oil?
Do you Know Before You Throw? Test your skills! Click and move the items to the correct place in our updated sorting game to see what actually goes in your recycling bin.