Cancer Prevention & Control

The Cancer Program provides programs and services that work to reduce cancer deaths in Howard County and to reduce health disparity in cancer outcomes.

Resources & Information
Cancer Control Program Goals
  • Reduce cancer deaths in Howard County and to reduce the differences in cancer outcomes among whites and ethnic minorities.
  • Increase breast and cervical cancer screening among the uninsured, low income women statewide and provide follow-up diagnosis
  • Carry out public and professional education to assure the quality of screening services
  • Provide early detection of Colorectal Cancer by increasing the number of Maryland adults screened and to decrease racial and ethnic health disparities
  • Work with community partners, State agencies, healthcare entities, resource centers and other local health departments to implement proven strategies to protect Maryland residents from tobacco-related death and disease
  • Prevent youth and young adults from ever using tobacco products
  • Provide resources to assist residents who are ready to quit using tobacco
  • Eliminate exposure to harmful toxins found in second-hand smoke
  • Identify and eliminate health disparities among population groups disproportionately affected by tobacco-related death and disease
Cancer Program Brochures
Health Department Services
  • Free tobacco cessation to all who live, work, or study in Howard County
  • Fund colonoscopies, clinical breast exams, mammograms and pap tests for eligible residents
  • Provide prevention education for: breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, oral, prostate and skin cancer
  • On-site language interpretation services
  • Services for those with or without local community providers offices
  • A Cancer Coalition that meets quarterly to assure the availability of a comprehensive Cancer Control Program for Howard County residents through leadership, advocacy and support of the work done toward the coordination of Cancer Control efforts in Howard County (see Meetings & Events page for meeting dates/times)

Please contact us for more information and eligibility for no cost screenings at 410-313-6265.

Other Cancer Resources

Howard County General Hospital’s Cancer Resource Center - They offer free oncology counseling, support groups, resource navigation and aesthetic services. To learn more, call 410-740-5858 or email

Electronic Smoking Device Prevention Education

The Howard County Cancer Program conducts Electronic Smoking Device (ESD) prevention education.  Schools interested in receiving ESD prevention education for students should contact 410-313-6265.

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