Give Your Pumpkin New Life

Did you know nearly 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkins are landfilled each year?

Let's not put pumpkin harvests to waste. Compost your pumpkins through one of the many drop-off options available in Howard County.

sunken pumpkin correct size

Thank you!

Thank you for your participation in our inaugural Harvest Heap Pumpkin Collection. This season we diverted about 8,000 pounds of pumpkin from the landfill!

Stay tuned for details about next year's event.

Harvest Heap
Pumpkin Collection Tips
  • County residents in our Feed The Green Bin Food Scrap Collection Program can set pumpkins out on their regular food scrap collection day. Not sure of your day? Use our online look-up tool to find out.
  • Please remove all candles, lights, decorations, plastic bags, etc. before setting out pumpkins.
  • Carved, uncarved and painted pumpkins are acceptable (water-based paints are preferred).
Pumpkin Drop-Off Only
Clark's Elioak Farm (limited time)

Pumpkins can be dropped off at Clark's Elioak Farm (10500 Clarksville Pike) at the following times:

Tuesday, November 2 - Sunday, November 7 from 10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.


Residents' Convenience Center

Pumpkins (and other food scraps) can be dropped off year-round at the Residents' Convenience Center at Alpha Ridge Landfill (2350 Marriottsville Rd). Look for the Hungry Green Hippo drop-off container!

Attend a Demonstration
Savage Park
savage park pumpkin map

Saturday, November 6th 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. at Savage Park (8400 Fair Street). See our map for the location.

Attend a compost demonstration with the University of Maryland Master Gardeners and receive a FREE backyard compost bin. 

Bring you pumpkin! Pumpkins will be composted at the Alpha Ridge Landfill.


Centennial Park
centennial park pumpkin map

Saturday, November 20th 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. at Centennial Park West (10000 Clarksville Pike). See our map for the location.

Attend a compost demonstration with the University of Maryland Master Gardeners and receive a FREE backyard compost bin. 

Bring you pumpkin! Pumpkins will be composted at the Alpha Ridge Landfill.

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