About the EMS Billing Program
Online Howard County EMS billing payment allows patients to pay bills for ambulance transports provided by a Howard County with a credit or debit card. A 2.45% convenience fee is assessed by the electronic processing company (Govolution) for all debit and credit card transactions for payments of Howard County EMS Billing. These are automatically added during your transaction.
Payment by credit card does not give Howard County Fire and Rescue access to your credit card number. That information is retained strictly by Govolution. Govolution takes full advantage of internet security in the handling of your credit card information.
Credit cards accepted: Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, and American Express.
EMS Billing Vendor
For questions regarding your ambulance bill and payment please call Digitech Computer, LLC at 855-492-9745 or our Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services Billing Program Manager at 410-313-5962.
Digitech Computer, LLC
480 Bedford Rd.
Building 600, 2nd Floor
Chappaqua, NY 10514-1716
Phone: (855) 492-9745
Fax: (888) 972-9641 for bill requests
Email: howa@payambulance.com
Patient Advocate: HCDFRS has a designated Patient Advocate to help understand issues and concerns as they arise and to quickly resolve them. Please call Tawanda Bailey: 410-313-5962 for Howard County EMS Billing questions.

The Notice of Privacy Practices is a legal document that states how medical information about our patients may be used and disclosed and about how patients can get access to this information.
As an essential part of our commitment to our patients, the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services maintains the privacy of confidential healthcare information about a patient, known as Protected Health Information or PHI. We are required by law to protect a patient's healthcare information and to provide the patient with a written Notice of Privacy Practices.
The Notice outlines our legal duties and privacy practices in respect to a patient's PHI. It not only describes our privacy practices and the patient's legal rights, but lets the patient know, among other things, how the Department is permitted to use and disclose PHI about the patient, how the patient can access and copy that information, how the patient may request amendment of that information, and how the patient may request restrictions on our use and disclosure of the patient's PHI.
We respect the patient's privacy and treat all healthcare information about our patients with care under strict policies of confidentiality that all of our staff are committed to following at all times.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Practices, please contact Tawanda Bailey, Compliance Officer, at 410-313-5962.
The Howard County Council established Howard County's fee structure.
The proposed fees:
- $700 for Basic Life Support
- $750 for Advanced Life Support I
- $80 for EKG and $10 mileage
The focus of the reimbursement program is insurance companies, not private citizens.
Howard County will bill patient insurance companies on their behalf.
County Residents: Any portion of the emergency medical service charges that are not covered by insurance companies will be considered paid through the county resident’s payment of county taxes.
Non-County Residents: Non-county residents will be billed and will be responsible for non-reimbursed, out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance. Because the county believes that no patient should suffer financial hardship because of the need for emergency medical services, non-county residents responsible for unreimbursed or out-of-pocket charges may request a waiver based on financial hardship.
There are some insurance companies that will pay the patient directly for the ambulance transport rather then send to Howard County, despite the fact we filed the claim for ambulance transport service. If you receive a check from your insurance company, please deposit the check and write a check payable to the Howard County in the amount you received from the insurance company and include your account number and the words insurance reimbursement on the memo line and mail it to our lockbox address at:
Howard County Government EMS Billing
PO Box 719009
Philadelphia, PA 19171-9009
If you cannot locate the account information or have additional questions, please contact the EMS Billing Manager at 410-313-5962.
Yes. Howard County has contracted with Digitech Computers based out of Chappaqua, NY to handle our ambulance transport billing. This information is necessary to file a claim with some insurance companies. If a signature was not obtained from EMS Personnel at the time of service, Digitech computers will send this form to you sign and send back. You may mail it directly to:
Digitech Computers, LLC
480 Bedford Road
Chappaqua, NY 10514-1716
or email it to: howa@payambulance.com
The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) security and privacy rules will be strictly followed. The department has a comprehensive compliance program in place to protect confidential patient health information.
All department personnel who handle protected health information are specially trained in patient privacy matters as part of their EMS training.
Hospital and nursing facilities typically contract with these ambulances for non-emergency transports (from hospital to nursing homes, rehab, etc.) It is important for residents to understand these services are not apart of our organization and they will be responsible for cost associated with those services.
In addition, residents that may receive first due ambulance services from surrounding jurisdiction that bill, may be responsible for cost associated with that service
Reimbursements from the EMS charge will be used to augment the current tax-based funding. Reimbursements from the EMS charge will only cover a small portion of the actual costs of the services provided by HCDFRS.
Reimbursement will not cover:
• Cost of maintaining 24 hour emergency readiness
• Providing quick first response and patient care support from our network of fire and rescue resources
• Using the latest cutting edge technology
• Ensuring experienced paramedic supervisors help guide care
Request a billing statement directly from our billing vendor, Digitech Computer at howa@payambulance.com or call 855-492-9745.