The Office of Purchasing encourages the purchase of “green” products and works closely with the Office of Environmental Sustainability and DPW/Environmental Services to promote the purchase of environmentally preferable products. In support of this initiative below is a list of environmentally preferred products.

- Recycled Laser Toner Cartridges
- Recycled Content Office Supplies (i.e. pens, anything with a plastic case)
- Remanufactured Tires
- Recycled Furniture
- Recycled Automotive Parts
- Printing Paper Containing the Highest Post-Consumer Content Practicable, Unbleached or Processed Chlorine Free
- Janitorial Paper Goods with Highest Post-Consumer Content Practicable, Unbleached or Process Chlorine Free
- Copiers & Printers Capable of Duplexing and Using Recycled Paper & Toner Cartridges
- Recycled Asphalt and Concrete
- Wood Products Such as Lumber & Paper Harvested in an Environmentally Sustainable Manner
- Cleaning/Disinfecting Products That Do Not Contain Carcinogens, Mutagens, Tetragens
- Hydrofluorocarbon-Containing Refrigerants and Solvents
- Biodegradable Surfactants and Detergents
- Paint With Lowest Concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds (Non-Lead Based)
- Binders, Flooring, Medical Supplies That Do Not Contain Polyvinyl Chlorine (PVC)
- Energy Efficient Appliances & Equipment Containing Energy Star Certification
- Compact Fluorescent Lamps, High Intensity Discharge (HID) Fixtures, Low Mercury Fluorescent Lamps, LED Bulbs
- Natural Gas High Efficiency Space Heating Systems
- High Efficiency Cooling Systems
- Water Saving Products
- Thermometers that do not contain mercury
- Landscaping:
- Minimal Pesticide Use
- Grass-cycling (Leave Clippings on Lawn)
- Pruning As-Needed
- Compost Use
- Fertilize As-Needed with Slow Release or Organic Fertilizers
- Drip Irrigation
- Composting of Plant Debris
- Native & Drought-Tolerant Plants That Require No or Minimal Watering
- Mulch Products Produced in the County
- Structures Made with Recycled Products
- Concrete Substitutes
- Roofing Materials
- Insulation
- Carpet and Carpet Padding
Updated 06/25/2019