The Howard County Agricultural Preservation Board (APB) consists of seven board members from the local farming community. Board meetings take place throughout the year on matters related to the Agricultural Land Preservation Program (ALPP) and the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF). Please see below for more information on the current Board Members, the current meeting agenda, department contacts for the program, and other related resources.
James Zoller, Executive Secretary (APB)/Agricultural Coordinator | 410-313-2056
Joy Levy, Administrator (ALPP) 410-313-4382
The next meeting for the Agricultural Preservation Board will be held online and in person on June 27, 2022 at 7:00pm.
Meeting number: 2303 883 3655
Password: J6y48aj3Em2 (Shouldn't have to use.)
Join by video system
Dial 23038833655@howardcountymd.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2303 883 3655
Meetings are generally held on the fourth Monday of each month, with the exception of May and December, when there will be no meeting. The meetings will be held in the Fair Office Board Room on the Howard County Fairgrounds.
The meetings of the Board are open to the public. The decision of the Board is determined by a majority vote (four votes) except a recommendation to acquire an easement requires five affirmative votes.
Note: All meeting dates are subject to change, so please visit the website to verify the date and time.
Meeting Dates | Deadline for Submission |
4th Monday of Each Month | 3 Mondays Prior to Meeting |
January 24th | January 3 |
February 28th | February 7th |
March 28th | March 7th |
April 25th | April 4th |
May - No Meeting | May - No Meeting |
June 27th | June 6th |
July 25th | July 5th* |
August 22nd | August 1st |
September 19th** | August 29th |
October 24th | October 3rd |
November 28th | November 7th |
December - No Meeting | December - No Meeting |
Scheduling Notes
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
*Due to July 4th holiday the submission date will be on July 5th.
**Due to the Rosh Hashanah holiday the September meeting will be on September 19th.
- Mickey Day, Chair
- Ann Jones, Vice Chair
- Jamie Brown
- Abby Gibbon
- Cathy Hudson
- Savannah Kaiss
Meeting minutes are available online after approval by the APB. Please see below for past meeting minutes and staff reports.
Requesting properties in the County Program only adhere to the Howard County APB. Requesting properties in State Program(s) must be reviewed by both the County APB and the MALPF Board of Trustees in Annapolis. For more information on state proceedings, please visit the MALPF Board website.
November 25, 2019
October 28, 2019
September 23, 2019
September 12, 2019
August 26, 2019
July 22, 2019
June 24, 2019
May 21, 2019
March 25, 2019
February 25, 2019
January 28, 2019
Fair Office Board Room, Howard County Fairgrounds
2210 Fairgrounds Road
West Friendship, MD 21794
- From Interstate 70, take Exit 80 for MD Route 32 towards Clarksville/Sykesville
- Take MD Route 32 South towards Clarksville/Howard County Fairgrounds
- Turn right on MD Route 144 West (Frederick Road) towards West Friendship
- Turn right on Fairgrounds Road
- Turn left on Livestock Lane (3rd left from Fairgrounds Road)
- The Fair Office Building will be on the left
- After entering the building, the Board Room will be to the left.

To submit a property request before the Agricultural Preservation Board (APB), please contact Joy Levy at (410) 313-5407. Please refer to the Schedule tab above for meeting dates and submission deadlines.
For program application information, regulations, and policies, please visit the Agricultural Preservation homepage. Please refer to the Solar Submission Procedure tab below for information related to commercial solar facilities (CSF) requests.
To submit a Commercial Solar Facilities (CSF) Conditional Use (CU) Petition to the Agricultural Preservation Board (APB), please carefully review the Department of Planning and Zoning Policy below before submitting a CSF request.
Please contact the Division of Public Service and Zoning at 410-313-2350 for questions and instructions on how to submit a Conditional Use Petition for Commercial Solar Facilities. Please review the documents below for additional information on how to submit a CSF request to Zoning and the APB.
- Conditional Use Petition
- Conditional Use Process
- Agricultural Land Preservation Program (APB) Commercial Solar Facilities Policy
- Agricultural Land Preservation Program (APB) Commercial Solar Facilities Application Procedure & Checklist
After consultation with the Division of Public Service and Zoning, application materials should be sent to the Program Administrator, Joy Levy, before the deadline of submission for the APB meeting. If you have any questions about submitting a CSF request before the APB, please call 410-313-5407 for assistance.