8930 Stanford Blvd
Columbia, MD 21045
United States
About Us
The Department of Technology and Communication Services provides a (DTCS) secure, robust information technology infrastructure and works vigilantly to mitigate vulnerabilities and threats to County assets. DTCS supports free public WiFi spots throughout the County, provides interactive maps, and apps, manages the County website, and oversees the performance of County cable providers, as well as the operation of the public access cable channel.
The DTCS Service Desk promptly responds to all technical issues and questions from staff, while maintaining workstations and installing software and equipment. The department ensures that Howard County Government complies with the retaining and disposing of public records as mandated by the State of Maryland.

The Office of Cable Administration enforces FCC rules and guidelines for the Local Franchising Authority, the Howard County Government. To learn more about this office, please visit the Cable Administration page. To report issues concerning cable services in Howard County, please fill out the Cable Issues and Complaints Form.
The Cyber Security Division monitors the security posture of the County network.
The GIS Division supports the creation, standardization, storage, and dissemination of geographical data for all County departments.
The Network Infrastructure Division provides network support services to include wired and wireless network connectivity for voice and data services.
The Project Management division monitors and controls Information Technology (IT) Projects implemented by the County.
The Public Safety Division plays a major role in the support of Public Safety Systems, including the 911 system and multiple Homeland Security initiatives.
The Radio and Telephone Services Division is responsible for providing and supporting radio maintenance, telephone installation and maintenance, cabling services for voice and data communications, and wireless service for both voice and data including pagers, cell phones, and 800 MHz radios.
Records Management is responsible for providing records and information services to all Howard County offices. This includes storage and destruction of records based on approved retention policies. The division is also the liaison between Howard County, the Department of General Services-Records Management Division and the Maryland State Archives (MSA).
The SAP Team is focused on the implementation of new functionalities, business process improvement and Enterprise reporting.
The Server Team provides hardware and software support to the employees of the County including email, database administration, backup and restore services, remote access services, and verifies permissions to safeguard access to all County resources.
The Service Desk provides technical support for County employees and those authorized to use the County's computer resources. Support includes workstation maintenance, software updates and installs, and guidance for how to use the technology needed to support the County.
Systems Development is responsible for the development and maintenance of all software applications required to support the County's operations. This includes Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) and custom applications.