3430 Court House Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21043
United States
The Real Estate Services Division (RESD) was established in 1988 by the Director of Public Works. Our mission is to ensure that all mandated programs and functions assigned to the division are completed in a timely fashion and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
We are responsible for the administrative, legal, and technical requirements of the programs, policies and procedures as hereinafter defined. Approximately 95% of this division's workload is mandated by State and/or County laws. RESD is responsible for the following programs:
- Capital Improvement Program – Acquisition of land
- Developer Agreement Program – Processing Developer Agreements and related legal documents
- Private Road Takeover
- Process and Maintenance of Sidewalks, Driveway Aprons & Sod Agreements
- Metropolitan District Incorporation Mandatory Water & Sewer Connections
- Asset Management
- Howard County Master Road Book Index
- Streetlights – Acceptance of private streetlights
- Public Works Board Liaison

Coronavirus Update: County Buildings Open to Public
As of Monday, August 2, 2021, non-emergency County offices and facilities are open to the public.
6-Feet physical distancing encouraged.
Visitors now required to sign in, obtain a badge, and be escorted to their meeting if visiting a non-public area.
Public Works Board
The Public Works Board makes recommendations to the County Executive and County Council about plans and policies under jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works.
Preservation Checklists
Howard County Master Road Book Index
The Howard County Master Road Book Index should include all roads officially incorporated into the County Road System of publicly operated and maintained facilities, including private, undedicated, and State Highway Administration ("SHA") roads. The roads are listed alphabetically. For example, Adcock Lane has four (4) entries representing the four (4) pieces that were deeded separately that make up the road. The number in the far right column is the total length in feet. Under "Type", the roads are listed as follows:
- Co = County Road
- Pres = Prescriptive ROW (Right of Way)
- SHA = State Road
- Prv = Private Road
- PAP = Private Access Place
- OP = Other Public (represents roads or pieces of roads, to be dedicated or in the dedication process and therefore not officially deeded to the County)
Howard County Master Road Book Index
For verification of information, please contact the Real Estate Services Division at 410 313-2330.
NOTE: Road lengths are approximate.