8576 Davis Road
Columbia, MD 21045
United States
The purpose of the Animal Matters Hearing Board is to hear and render decisions on appeals for various violations of animal control laws; to issue orders and declarations related to enforcement of animal control laws; to make recommendations on standards and procedures for operation of the animal control facility; and to annually review the proposed budget for the operation of the animal control facility.
The Board’s functions are quasi-judicial and administrative in nature and are excluded from the Maryland Open Meetings Act.
When necessary, Animal Matters Hearing Boards are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm. Meetings are held in the Ellicott Room in the George Howard Building (3430 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043)
The Animal Matters Hearing Board is made up of seven members. All members must be residents of Howard County. Board must include one licensed veterinarian practicing in Howard County and three members experienced in animal matters, with no more than two from the same County Council district. County Executive appoints, County Council confirms.
- Paula M. Schultz - Chairperson
- Laree Siddiqui - Vice Chairperson
- Flavia Delmastro
- Fran LoPresti
- Connie M. Molter
- Nicolas Orechwa
- Elaine R. Ritchey
- Barry Sanders - Attorney for the Board
Click below to view the Board's Rules of Procedure.