Department Documents
Below are the Department's monthly reports and general documents. For any historical documents, please send a request to and we will send them to you.

- To be updated soon
- Annual Letter to County Council - 2020 Report on MIHU Fee-in-lieu expenditures
The Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, or AI, is a planning process for local governments and public housing agencies (PHAs) to take meaningful actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination.
This AI was conducted for the Baltimore Region between 2019 and 2020 as a joint effort among the following entities:
- City of Annapolis and the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis,
- Anne Arundel County and the Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County
- City of Baltimore and the Housing Authority of Baltimore City,
- Baltimore County,
- Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC),
- Harford County and the Havre de Grace Housing Authority, and
- Howard County and the Howard County Housing Commission.
In general, this AI follows the template for the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) that was created by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to HUD’s 2015 rule on affirmatively furthering fair housing. While following that template is no longer required, our region has a long history of working together to identify and address impediments to fair housing. The participants thought it was important to build upon that history by enhancing the community engagement process and continuing to examine our impediments collaboratively.
The AI is intended to identify barriers to fair housing. By its nature, the document identifies deficiencies in existing practices and problems that remain unaddressed. The fact that the AI is designed to point out areas of improvement is not meant to disparage the efforts made by the jurisdictions individually or the group’s collective efforts, which is one of the few multijurisdictional attempts to remedy fair housing in the country.
County Executive Ball released the Housing Opportunities Master Plan to the public at an event on May 18, 2021. The Department of Housing and Community Development would like to thank the members of the Housing Opportunities Master Plan Task Force for their time and commitment to the development of the plan. The 40-page plan, and 80 recommendations that follow, is based on data analysis and research of neighboring jurisdictions and nationwide, as well as input from community practitioners, housing partners and the public over the last 14 months. The community was able to participate in the process and development of the plan through 22 task force meetings, 5 community meetings, multiple environmental justice outreach discussions and 2 surveys with over 2600 responses.
Click here for the Master Plan
Appendix A - Detailed Recommendation
Appendix B - Comparison of Task Force and Plan Recommendations
Appendix C - Market Overview and Background Research
Appendix D - Overview of Policy, Program and Funding
Appendix E - SWOT Analysis
Appendix F - Public Engagement Summary