Preventing the Spread of COVID-19
To help prevent illness from this virus you should:
- Get vaccinated
- Wear a mask or face covering if inside in areas where social distancing is not possible and immunization status of others is unknown (even if you are vaccinated)
- Social distance when immunization status of others is unknown
- Get tested when exposed or experiencing symptoms
- Wash hands often with soap and warm water or use alcohol-based sanitizer

N95 masks, provided by the Federal Government, are available at most pharmacies. You'll find a list of those pharmacies HERE. As always, we encourage you to call ahead to confirm that masks are available.
KN95/N95 Mask Distribution
To apply for your free KN95 masks, fill out our survey: Based on our supply, we can offer 4 masks per household once a month. Masks will be mailed within 7-12 days via USPS.
If you need assistance completing the survey, our COVID Information Line can help. Call 410-313-6284 and press 1 to be connected. They are available Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm.
KN95 masks are also available at most County retailers. Masks are also available at County libraries and senior centers.
KN95 Masks at Howard County Libraries
Howard County Library System distributes KN95 masks from its six branches. Community members can get masks at the customer service desk of each branch during open hours. Two masks (in one package) will be given to each person (adult, teen, or child). This is a walk-in only service, no reservations.
N95/KN95 Mask Information
N95/KN95 masks are designed for use by adult healthcare professionals. When fitted correctly, N95/KN95s provide protection against COVID-19. But other protective options are also available. We recommend speaking to your healthcare provider to determine which mask is best for you and for each member of your household. Remember: the most effective mask is the one you will wear properly and consistently. Masks should be worn indoors in public spaces, around those whose vaccine status is unknown, and anywhere they are required.
What to Know About Your KN95/N95 Mask
- It is highly effective if worn properly.
- There must be a tight seal between the mask and skin for best protection.
- After repeated uses, it loses it’s shape and may not fit as tightly.
- May cause some difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness. (Discontinue use if you experience any of these symptoms.)
How to Wear Your Mask

Click here to view an informational flier about mask usage.
Click here to view an informational flier about mask usage. (Spanish)
CDC - How to Use Your N95 Respirator (Updated January 25, 2022)
CDC - Guidance for Implementing COVID-19 Prevention Strategies (Updated July 27, 2021)
CDC - Improve How Your Mask Protects You (Updated April 6, 2021)
CDC- Types of Masks and Respirators (Updated January 14, 2022)
CDC- Your Guide to Masks (Updated October 25, 2021)

CDC Stop the Spread of Germs infographic in English, Spanish or Chinese.
MDH COVID-19 FAQs for Mental Health
COVID-19 Questions and Answers: For People Who Use Drugs or Have Substance Use Disorder (July 7, 2020)