Emergency Plans

The 2018 Howard County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is a strategic plan that proposes actions to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from future natural disasters. The Plan covers the entire County and all natural hazards that the County could potentially experience. The Plan was adopted by the Howard County Council on January 22, 2019.
Howard County's 2020-2025 Office of Emergency Management Strategic Plan provides direction for our next five years. The plan is centered around ten strategic goals, and was developed with the input of numerous county stakeholders.
The Howard County Office of Emergency Management is proud to present the Howard County Comprehensive Emergency Response and Recovery Plan (CERRP), which was officially signed by Executive Calvin Ball on September 26th, 2019, and updated in January 2021. The CERRP updates and replaces the 2015 Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and incorporates lessons learned from the 2016 and 2018 Ellicott City floods. The CERRP encompasses emergency preparedness, response, and recovery tasks, and guides a more seamless transition from response to recovery. The development of the CERRP included all County Departments and external partners who have a role in emergency response and recovery and reflects a very lengthy process to improve the emergency response capabilities within Howard County.
Learn how best to keep your pet safe and how to include your pets in your emergency disaster preparedness plans with Howard County's Animal Disaster Preparedness Packet.
Radiological information for farmers, growers, and food producers.