In an emergency, every second counts. Fire hydrants that are blocked, concealed, or difficult to access due to snow, ice or other obstructions can impede emergency fire response.
Fire engines carry a limited amount of water, so one of the first tasks upon arriving at a fire is to locate a water supply from the nearest hydrant. Hydrants covered in snow can be difficult to locate, and uncovering them can waste valuable time needed during the fire fight. Keeping them clear can mean easier access to water and more time doing what really matters – fighting fire.
We need your help! In the event of winter weather, you are encouraged to clear a three-foot area around the hydrant and ensure there is a path to the roadway, so the hydrant is visible and easily accessible. Exercise caution when clearing around the hydrant. Be cautious of vehicle traffic nearby. Do not stand in the street and be careful not to slip and fall out into the roadway.
Learn all about the program here.
How to adopt a hydrant:
To participate in the Adopt-A-Hydrant program, simply fill out and submit the application below. After registering, a crew from the participant’s closest fire station will deliver an “adoption certificate” identifying their hydrant.
**Important note; fire hydrants are the property of the Howard County Bureau of Utilities — so please do not paint, personalize or change the appearance of the fire hydrant. **
You are encouraged to take pictures with your adopted hydrant and share them to Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #MyHoCoHydrant. You can also tag the Fire and Rescue Department at @HCDFRS on Twitter and Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services on Facebook.