County Executive Ball provides testimony on various legislative matters at the local and State level of government. Below you can find his submitted written testimony for different bills.
A link that begins with "HB" refers to a Maryland General Assembly House Bill.
A link that begins with "SB" refers to a Maryland General Assembly Senate Bill.
A link that begins with "Ho.Co." refers to a Howard County Council Bill.

- SB 548 Local Health Officers - Removal- Grounds and Process
- SB 376 County and Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act
- HB 1372 Green Infrastructure Rebate Program
- HB 171 Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act
- SB658 MD Aviation Impacts Commission
- SB 726 Highway User Revenues
- HB 1187 Highway User Revenues
- HB 68 Interagency Commission on School Construction
- HB 488 Local Public Campaign Finance
- SB100 Commemorative Day - Overdose Awareness
- HB319 Commemorative Day - Overdose Awareness
- HB 1083 County and Municipal Street Lighting
- SB 768 Human Trafficking Safe Harbor
- HB 1051 Elderly Indviduals - Adult Day Health Care Services Pilot Program and Task Force
- SB 632 Small Business and Nonprofit Health Insurance Subsidies
- SB 540 Transfer With Success Act 2.0
- HB878 Housing Trust Fund
- HB 1052 Flynn and Laird Act
- Maryland University Integrated Health (MUIH)
- SB 630 Emergency Management - Office of Resilience
- SB 419 Opioid Restitution Fund
- HB 1086 Opioid Restitution Fund
- HB 674 Landlord and Tenant - Stay of Eviction
- SB 394 Statewide Targeted Overdose Prevention (STOP) Act
- SB 292 Packaging Materials - Producer Responsibility
- HB 706 Emergency Management - Office of Resilience
- SB 462 Expanded American History
- SB 453 Maryland Makerspace Initiative Program
- SB 384 Landlord and Tenant -Stay of Eviction
2022 Bond Bill
- Barnard Fort House_Support_CE Ball
- Centennial Park West_Support_CE Ball
- Maryland Innovation Center_Support_CE Ball
- Public Wi-Fi_Support_CE Ball
- Ellicott City Drop-Arm Barriers_Support_CEBall
- Leola Dorsey Center_Support_CE Ball
- Waterloo Playground_Support_CE Ball Testimony
- West Friendship Park_Support_CE Ball
- Blandair Mansion_Support_CE Ball (1)
- Rockburn Park_Support_CE Ball (1)
- Bain 50+ Center_Support_CE Ball
- EC Wayfinding_Support_CE Ball
- Existing East Columbia 50+_Support_CE Ball
- HB 1178 – First-Time Homebuyer Savings Accounts
- HB 990 – Maryland Department of Emergency Management
- SB 767 – Hunger Free Campus Grant
- HB 891 – Hunger Free Campus Grant
- SB 746 – Community College Collective Bargaining
- Local Management Boards FY22 Funding
- HB 173 - Community College Cade Formula
- SB 62 - Emergency Management - Chief Resilience Officer
- SB 414 - Climate Solutions Now Act of 2021
- SB 172 - Health Equity Resource Act
- SB 319 - Clean Energy Loan Program
- HB 114 - Transit Safety and Investment Act
- HB 542 - Emergency Management - Chief Resilience Officer
- HB 583 - Climate Solutions Now Act of 2021
- HB 729 - Landlord and Tenant - Eviction Actions
- HB 1011 - Smoking-ECig Local Regulations
- SB 46 - LGBTQ Panic Defense
- SB 66 - Digital Connectivity Act
- SB 410 - Smoking-ECig Local Regulations
- SB 433 - Community College Cade Formula
- HB 463 - Health Equity Resource Act
- HB 517 - Clean Energy Loan Program
- HB 894 - Community College Collective Bargaining
- SB 301 - Diversity Procurement and Reporting
- SB 631 - Statewide 3-1-1 System
- SB 658 - Maryland Department of Emergency Management
- SB 722 - Department of Small Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- SB 769 - Venision Donation Tax Credit
- Ho.Co. 12-21 - MIHU Fee-in-lieu
2021 Bond Bill
- Ho.Co. 16-21 - Humanim – Remodeling Gerwig
- Ho.Co. 17-21 - Patuxent Commons
- Ho.Co. 18-21 - Caplans Main St.
- Ho.Co. 19-21 - Centennial Park ADA Testimony
- Ho.Co. 20-21 - Tubman Center Playground DRP
- Ho.Co. 21-21 - Robinson Nature Center
- Ho.Co. 22-21 - Tiber Park
- Ho.Co. 23-21 - Patapsco Female Institute
- Ho.Co. 24-21 - Barnard Fort House Testimony
- Ho.Co. 25-21 - E. Columbia 50+ Center
- Ho.Co. 26-21 - Harriett Tubman Center DPW
- SB 0977 - Small Biz Health Exchange Enrollment
- HB - 1457 - Apprenticeship Start-Up Act of 2020
- SB 826 - Makerspace Initiative Pilot Program
- SB 1036 - MEMA Cybersecurity Coordination
- SB 725 - MDH Alzheimer's Outreach
- HB 1545 - Transition from Coal
- SB 734 - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
- HB 78 - Bay Restoration
- HB 621- County Tax Fairness
- Ho. Co. Bill 11-20 - MIHU Fee-in-lieu
- HB 1485/HB 1496 - EMS Medicaid Reimbursement
- SB 1000 /HB 1300 - Kirwan Education Funding
- HB 279 - Low Impact Landscaping
- HB 382 - Hotel Human Trafficking Awareness Training
- HB 423 - Community College Cade Formula
- HB 310 - BWI Noise Study
- HB 498 - Aging in Place
- HB 1- Built to Learn Act
- Ho.Co. 32-20 - HCPD Alcohol Beverage Inspectors
- Executive Council Kirwan Support
- 2020 Legislative Wrap Up
2020 Bond Bill
- Bond Bill - Barnard Fort House
- BondBill.LivinginRecovery_Ho.Co. 33-20
- BondBill_ SprinklerSystem_Ho.Co. 34-20
- BondBill_CAC_Ho.Co. 35-20
- BondBill_CarriageHouse_Ho.Co. 7-20
- BondBill_Dev.DisabilityRemodel_ Ho.Co. 37-20
- BondBill_EC Sidewalk_Ho.Co. 27-20
- BondBill_HeritageMuseum_Ho.Co. 31-20
- BondBill_MUIH_ Ho.Co. 36-20
- BondBill_TheArc_Ho.Co. 14-20
- BondBill_Wintergrowth_HoCo 21-20