Creating an Age-Friendly Howard County

On January 25, 2022, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball released Howard County’s Age-Friendly Action Plan. “Just over two years ago, we launched the Age-Friendly Howard County Initiative with the goal of joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities,” said Ball. “Achieving this designation requires an Age-Friendly Action Plan to create a livable community and ensure Howard County continues to evolve as a great place to grow up and to grow older.”

Cover of the Howard County Age-Friendly Action Plan

Age-Friendly Howard County Vision:

Howard County will be a livable community, a great place to grow up and grow older.

Howard County Executive Calvin Ball Hosts Age-Friendly Lunch & Learns

Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is hosting a series of Lunch & Learn events to share information and get input from community members about the Age-Friendly Howard County Action Plan. Though these initial sessions are now full, there are still plenty of opportunities to join one of the Age-Friendly work groups to make your voice heard and help move the plan's 80 action steps forward. YOU can help a little or a lot, and WE can all work together together to make Howard County a more livable and age-friendly community. Join one or more groups today to make a difference!

County Executive Ball talking about the Age-Friendly Action Plan with a communitymember.
Learn more about Age-Friendly Howard County
Age-Friendly Howard County Action Plan

The Action Plan spells out more than 80 recommendations to bring the county closer to being a more inclusive, accessible, safer and healthier community. It uses the World Health Organization’s Eight Domains of Livability as a guide to examine Howard County’s infrastructure, services, communications and ways of working together. 

Read the Action Plan to see how you, your community association, business, faith community or civic organization can join in to put this plan into effect. Then join in a virtual information session in February to see how you can get involved in the implementation process.

Age-Friendly Action Plan Survey and Appendices

For more details about how the Age-Friendly Action Plan was developed, including the community survey, view the following documents:


Help Implement the Age-Friendly Howard County Action Steps

In order for implementation of the plan to move forward we need you! Virtual sessions to discuss what it means to be an age-friendly community and to highlight the Action Plan Steps will be held virtually in February. That gives you time to review the plan first. Sign up to attend one of the public sessions below. For more information, email

A Video Introduction to Age-Friendly Howard County

Howard County's Age-Friendly Manager Terri Hansen provides an overview of the initiative and its progress to date.

Help Implement the Age-Friendly Action Plan Steps

We need your help to implement the Age-Friendly Action Plan! Whether you are in school, working full- or part-time, or retired, your skills and input are invaluable to help to make the 80 action steps a reality.

Do you enjoy public speaking or motivating others? Are you a writer or grant writer, or enjoy planning and participating in community events? Do you have a passion for developing policy and making change happen? There is a role for everyone in the Age-Friendly implementation process. 

Let us know your interest in moving the Age-Friendly Action Plan forward by signing up for the contact list below. Please indicate your interest in working on one or more of the Age-Friendly workgroups by checking any and all boxes that apply. 

Photo of older adults
Workgroup Agendas and Minutes
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings

Meets 3rd Wednesday • 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Transportation Options

Meets 2nd Tuesday • 3:00 to 4:30p.m.


Meets 1st Friday • 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Social Participation

Meets 4th Monday • 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Respect & Social Inclusion

Meets 4th Wednesday • 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Work & Civic Engagement

Meets 2nd Thursday • 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

  • February 2021 Agenda and Minutes
2020 Meeting Documents
Communication & Information

Meets 3rd Thursday • 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Community Support & Health Services

Meets 3rd Tuesday • 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

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