
The Medical Assistance Transportation Program provides transportation services for clients who need medical care and have no transportation.

Young man being helped out of car and into wheelchair
  • This transportation should only be used as a LAST RESORT. It is a scheduled, shared ride program for transportation to medical appointments during normal business hours. (You will often times share a ride with other clients)
  • You MUST be covered by Medicaid and have an active Medical Assistance (MA) number.
  • You must not have any other way to get to the appointment you are requesting transportation for.
How to Schedule a Ride

Before you schedule a ride check to see if friends or family can give you a ride. Also check to see if you and your provider are located on bus lines. If so, take public transit.
If neither of those options are possible, please do the following:

  • Call 1-877-312-6571 - Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (except holidays and State Service Reduction days)
  • 24 hours before your appointment time call 1-877-312-6571 (You may schedule a week in advance)
  • Date and Time of appointment
  • Name, address and telephone number of provider
  • Specific reason for your visit.
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