The State of Maryland mandated that weekly recycling services be provided by all apartment and condominium properties with 10 or more units.
Managers or other responsible parties for properties located in Howard County must submit a Recycling Plan to Howard County’s Recycling Division. Plans will be reviewed for completeness and adequacy, amended (where necessary) and then approved by the County. Recycling Plans must be completed by ALL properties covered under this law.

Each affected property must collect all:
- paper
- cardboard
- plastic bottles
- aluminum/metal cans
- glass
The Maryland State law and accompanying County Code do not provide for exceptions to this list of recyclables that must be collected at affected apartment and condominium properties.
If the property changes hands, the new owner (or their representative) must complete a new Recycling Plan and submit it to the Recycling Division as soon as possible upon taking ownership of the property.
If you are the responsible party for a condominium property that wishes to receive recycling collection from Howard County’s Bureau of Environmental Services, please call Alan Wilcom.
Completion of the annual report form is mandatory for all apartments and condos that are required to provide recycling.
For questions or concerns, please contact Kimberly Reichart.