Project Overview
The Howard County Office of Transportation is advancing the Clarksville/River Hill Streetscape Design Guidelines by developing plans for a system of shared use pathways, sidewalks, crosswalks, and a median crossing on Clarksville Pike (MD 108) between Guilford Road and Great Star Drive. This project, coupled with proposed and existing streetscape projects to be potentially built by private sector development projects, will connect and link the commercial and residential uses along the corridor.
The project is divided into different sections that are various stages of design, construction and completion. These sections closely match the sections articulated in the Clarksville/River Hill Streetscape Design Guidelines, however, as the project has evolved and changed, the extents section have changed and evolved as well. We have also included adjacent projects to provide context.

On September 15, we hosted a virtual open house for property owners and tenants in Section 1 who could be directly impacted by the project. The virtual open house was held from 11 AM-1 PM and again from 4-6 PM. If you are property owner or a retail tenant with frontage on MD 108 between 10 Oaks Road and Great Star Drive and want to learn more about the project, its benefits and discuss specifics. Please email
On September 21, starting at 2 pm, County staff and the consulting team will host a walk-through of the corridor for property owners and tenants. Due to safety constraints the number of participants for the walk-through will be limited and registration is required. Please email Brooks Phelps at to register and you will be provided with additional information.

Project Dashboard
Section Number | Description/ Primary Road | Section Extent | Current Phase | Status | Next Steps | Estimated Completion of Current Phase | |
1 | Shared Use Path and Sidewalks | Guilford Road to Great Star Drive, both sides of Road | 65% Design | In Progress | Howard County is leveraging past and pending capital funds to advance the design to 100% design to apply for a MD Bikeways Grant. |
1A | MD 32 Bike Alternate Pinch Points 1-5 | Ten Oaks Road from Burntwoods Road to Brighton Dam Road Traffic Circle | 35% Design | In Progress | SHA is advancing this project to 100% design and construction | TBD | |
1B | MD 32 Bike Alternate Pinch Point 6 | Ten Oaks Road from Brighton Dam Road Traffic Circle to MD 108 | Conceptual | Completed |
Fall 2023 for 100% pending grant award | |
2 | Shared Use Path | MD 108: Great Star to Meadow Vista/Trotter Road, West Side | Conceptual |
Unknown | ||
3 | Shared Use Path/Sidewalks | MD 108: Great Star to Linden Linthicum, River Hill Square Boundary | Conceptual |
Unknown | ||
4 | Shared Use Path | MD 108 River Hill Square Frontage | Completed | Pathway built by private sector development | |||
5 | Sheppard Lane Road Alignment | Sheppard Lane at MD 108 | Completed |
Completed Studies
Traffic Study and Preliminary Engineering-Completed (Sections 1,2,3,4)
A traffic study and accompanying preliminary engineering for Clarksville Pike was conducted in 2015. The traffic study serves to help the County in its work with State Highway Administration to anticipate needed roadway improvements and was used to guide the development of the Clarksville/River Hill Streetscape Design Guidelines.
Traffic Study
Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study and Preliminary Engineering
Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix A Intersection Lanes and Photos
Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix B Traffic Count Data
Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix C Existing Cross Sections
Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix F - Cost Estimate
Clarksville Pike Multi-Modal Traffic Study-Appendix G - Traffic Analysis Worksheets

Clarksville/River Hill Streetscape Design Guidelines shared-use pathway alongside Clarksville Pike between Guilford Road and Linden-Linthicum Lane.
The Howard County Office of Transportation completed the 30% design plans for a shared-use pathway alongside Clarksville Pike between Guilford Road and Great Star Drive. The original extent of the 30% design extended to Linden Linthicum Lane but the final selected alternate terminated the design at Great Star Drive.
MD 32 Bike Alternate Bike Project Study (Sections 1A, 1B)
The dualization project from MD 108 to Linden Church Road and Linden Church Road to I-70 is permanently removing bicycle access to MD 32 by establishing through-highway access controls along the corridor between MD 108 and Burntwoods Road. To mitigate the impact, MDOT developed the MD 32 Bicycle Alternate Route Study to identify a viable and safe alternative bicycle route with improvements along the identified alternative route to enhance bicycle travel from a safety standpoint along the roadway.
Completed Construction Elements
River Hill Square (Section 4)
The River Hill Square project built and completed section 4, the pathway elements along the property frontage.
MD 108 Improvements and Sheppard Lane Realignment (Section 5)
Development Plan
To provide a comment, or for more information, call (410) 313-3842.