Breast & Cervical Cancer Program
The goal of BCCP is to reduce breast and cervical cancer deaths through education, screening, diagnosis, treatment and patient navigation services. Educational programs on Breast and Cervical Cancer are available upon request. Call our program at 410-313-4255 for information and resources.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Facts

- One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime
- Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women
- Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women
- Cervical cancer is the easiest gynecologic cancer to prevent with regular Pap smears and HPV tests
- HPV is the most common cause of cervical cancer, accounting for nearly all cases, and 11,967 new cases of HPV related cervical are diagnosed each year
The goals are to provide:
- Adequate and timely preventative cancer services to women age 40 and over
- Yearly breast exams by a health care provider, mammograms, and regular pap tests to detect problems early
Eligibility Guidelines:
- Age 40 or over
- Proof of Maryland residency
- Limited Income
- Enrollees may be insured, underinsured, or uninsured
Under 40 and interested in cervical cancer screening? Call us directly at 410-313-4255.
The services provided at no cost are:
- Clinical Breast Exams
- Mammograms
- Regular Pap Test
- Follow up care for abnormal results
If you qualify, the BCCP staff will:
- Provide a list of doctors from whom you may choose services
- Schedule appointments
- Arrange for transportation, if necessary
- Provide interpretation services for non-English speaking clients
- Provide medical literacy education
- Provide nurse case management as appropriate for follow up and treatment
To apply for the program, call the Howard County Health Department at 410-313-4255.
Women of any age requiring medical services related to breast and cervical cancer may be eligible for this program. The program will pay participating health care providers for any further diagnosis and treatment needed for abnormal results.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Maryland Resident
- Meet the income requirements for the program
(Note: If you have Medical Assistance, you are not eligible for this program.)
For more information please visit the Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (BCCDT) Program or call 410-767-6787 for assistance.
Applications are available at the Howard County Health Department or you may call 410-313-4255 for assistance.