Outbreak Prevention & Control
The Outbreak Prevention and Control Program is available to assist with COVID-19 outbreak investigation and management, identifying sources and mitigating transmission, developing strategies to prevent future outbreaks, and educating about prevention and control strategies to all members of the Howard County community. To reach us by phone call 410-313-6284 and press 3, or email our team at covidcase@howardcountymd.gov .

HCPSS, Private Schools, Sports and Childcare
- MDH School Outbreak Definition, Cases and Resources
- COVID-19 Guidance for Operating Early Care and Education/Child Care Programs
- Quick Guide: Isolation and Quarantine in Early Care and Education ECE Programs
- Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools
- Guidance for Isolation and Quarantine in K-12 Schools
- Quick Guide: Steps for Determining Close Contact and Quarantine in K-12 Schools
- MDH Line Lists
Community-based Settings - General Public, Businesses, and Non-medical Adult Day Care Centers
Acute Care, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities and Medical Congruent Homes