
The Department of Finance serves many different customers. This includes residents, businesses, other County agencies, taxpayers, homeowners, County employees, retirees, bond holders, and investors.

Providing excellent customer service, is a key goal in the Finance Department's Mission Statement and includes giving compassionate, friendly and efficient service at all times. The purpose of this web site is to assist our customers to quickly find current and accurate information; however, we continue to encourage phone calls, correspondence or in-person visits to the Finance Department to resolve any issues or take care of business.

George Howard Building

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Finance is to ensure that the County’s financial resources are collected, protected, invested and distributed in a fiscally responsible manner; and to provide optimal financial services to a wide range of constituents including citizens, taxpayers, businesses, agencies and employees of the County with an effective and efficient team of employees.

To do this, we promise to:

  • Strengthen the County's financial position and reputation
  • Deliver compassionate, friendly, and efficient service
  • Increase staff productivity
  • Create and implement comprehensive plans and actions to achieve the mission

Contact Us

Here is a directory for the Department of Finance:

Department Office Number Email Address
Department of Finance Main Office 410-313-2195  
Division of Miscellaneous Billing 410-313-3258 miscbilling@howardcountymd.gov
Department of Recordation Tax 410-313-2389 recordation@howardcountymd.gov
Division of Tax Credits 410-313-4076 taxcredit@howardcountymd.gov
Department of Tax Customer Service 410-313-2062 customerservice@howardcountymd.gov

Division of Tax Personal Property 
(for business accounts and business license inquiries only)

410-313-1160 elicense@howardcountymd.gov
Division of Tax Sale 410-313-2062 taxsale@howardcountymd.gov
Department of Water and Sewer 410-313-2058 billing@howardcountymd.gov

Meet the Team

Rafiu Ighile
Director of Finance
Angela M. Price
Deputy Director of Finance
Kimberly Boyd-Washington
Deputy Director of Finance


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