Real Estate Services Division
Cable Administration
The Office of Cable Administration oversees the performance of cable providers in Howard County and the operation of the public access cable channel. The Office of Cable Administration advises the County Executive and the County Council on matters related to the cable operators.
Bureau of Environmental Services
Employees operate the County landfill, implement and manage recycling programs, oversee residential curbside collections and administer stormwater management.
Bureau of Highways
Doing what it takes to keep the traveling public safe and moving.
Commission on Aging
Commission on Disabilities
Design Advisory Panel
Ethics Commission
Harriet Tubman Advisory Council
Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) meets at 7:00 p.m., generally on the first Thursday of each month at 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043.
Animal Control

Federal Representatives
Every ten years, after each census, Congress realigns congressional districts, the state legislature realigns legislative districts, and the Howard County Council, after considering advice from a seven member redistricting committee, realigns councilmanic districts. April 1, 2010, was the last Census Day. States received redistricting counts on April 1, 2011.
Bureau of Utilities
The Bureau of Utilities administers and maintains Howard County's public water and wastewater systems. Serving more than 85% of the County's population with an average demand of over 22 million gallons of water each day, the Bureau provides County homes with the most comprehensive public water related services available.