County Executive Ball delivers two annual addresses, the State of Business in February and a State of the County each Fall. Ball delivered the inaugural State of Business address in February 2020.

Executive Orders
- 2022-01 Amending Executive Order 2021-10 in order to add members to the Ellicott City Project Advisory Committee
- 2022-02 Rescinding the indoor face covering requirement for certain businesses, facilities and places of assembly open to the public: Maintaining the requirement on Howard County public transportation.
- 2022-03 Amending Executive Order 2020-14 in order to correct the name of a member of the La Alianza Latina Workgroup
- 2022-04 An Order determining various matters in connection with the sale and issuance of Howard County, Maryland General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvement Project Bonds, 2022 Series A and Metropolitan District Project Bonds, 2022 Series B
- 2022-05 Terminating the Howard County State of Emergency declared by Executive Order 2020-02 and extended by Council Resolution no. 41-2020
- 2022-06 Determining various matters in connection with the sale and issuance of a general obligation bond designated Howard County, Maryland Ellicott City Safe and Sound Plan (WIFIAID – 20162MD) WIFIA Bond
- 2022-07 An Order determining various matters in connection with the execution and delivery by Howard County, Maryland of an amendment to its Credit Agreement with Bank of America, N.A.
- 2022-08 Public Facilities and Spaces Report Evaluation and Action Commission
- 2022-09 Amending Executive Order 2022-08 in order to substitute a member of the Public Facilities and Spaces Report Evaluation and Action Commission
- 2021-01 Public Facilities and Spaces Commission
- 2021-02 AAPI Workgroup
- 2021-03 An Order determining various matters in connection with the sale and issuance of Howard County, Maryland General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvement Project Bonds, 2021 Series A and Metropolitan District Project Bonds, 2021 Series B
- 2021-04 Exercise of Emergency Powers - Restating limitations on social gatherings
- 2021-05 An Order determining various matters in connection with the sale and issuance of Howard County, Maryland Certificates of Participation (Equipment Program) Refunding, 2021 Series A
- 2021-06 Rescinding and Restating the Award of Points under the Length of Service Award Program for Volunteer firefighters/EMS personnel
- 2021-07 Use of Drug Forfeiture Funds in Howard County; Repealing Executive Order No. 2010-05
- 2021-08 Exercise of Emergency Powers – Rescinding limitations on social gatherings
- 2021-09 Amending Executive Order 2021-02 in order to add members to the AsianAmerican/Pacific Island Workgroup
- 2021-10 Ellicott City Project Advisory Committee
- 2021-11 Amending Executive Order 2021-10 in order to add a member to the Ellicott City Project Advisory Committee
- 2021-12 Rescinding the suspension of the effect of certain legal or procedural deadlines as of July 1, 2021
- 2021-13 Second COVID-19 Discretionary Bonus Payments
- 2021-14 Harriet Tubman School Grand Opening Council
- 2021-15 Howard County Local Business Initiative 2021
- 2021-16 Amending Executive Order 2021-01 in order to add a member to the Public Facilities and Spaces Commission
- 2021-17 Indoor Face Covering Requirement for Businesses and Facilities open to the public and public transportation
- 2020-01 Amending EO 2019-14 in order to add a member to the Spending Affordability Advisory Committee
- 2020-02 COVID-19 State of Emergency
- 2020-03 State of Emergency - Suspension of Deadlines
- 2020-04 Suspension of Certain Legal and Procedural Deadlines
- 2020-05 COVID-19 Response Pay
- 2020-06 An Order Determining Matters in Connection with the Sale of Bonds
- 2020-07 Bond Anticipation Note Revolving Line of Credit from Bank of America, N.A.
- 2020-08 Exercise of Emergency Powers
- 2020-09 Exercise of Emergency Powers –Restrictions applicable to State Executive Order 20-05-13-01 related to barber shops and hair salons, religious institutions and retail establishments
- 2020-10 Exercise of Emergency PowersRestrictions applicable to State Executive Order 20-05-27-01 related to the consumption of food and drink at religious institutions, operations of Foodservice Establishments and the computation of capacity at barber shops/hair salons
- 2020-11 Exercise of Emergency Powers - Rescinding local orders related to religious institutions; tattoo parlors, tanning salons, massage parlors and establishments that provide esthetic services or nail technician services; and drive-in movie theaters.
- 2020-12 Exercise of Emergency Powers - Rescinding local orders, subject to certain conditions
- 2020-13 To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to act as Trustee on behalf of the County and to reconfirm Executive Order 2007-07 authorizing the Director of Finance to act as Trustee on behalf of the County.
- 2020-14 La Alianza Latina Workgroup
- 2020-15 An Order determining various matters in connection with the sale andissuance of Howard County, Maryland General Obligation Bonds, Consolidated Public Improvement Refunding Bonds, 2020 Series E (Taxable) and Metropolitan Distric Refrmding Bonds, 2020 Series F (Taxable)
- 2020-16 Expansion Policy -- Process for Public Input on Sidewalk Construction
- 2020-17 Spending Affordability Advisory Committee
- 2020-18 HoCo RISE Collaborative
- 2020-19 Exercise of Emergency Powers - Prohibitions on indoor and outdoor social gatherings; youth recreational sports or athletic programs
- 2020-20 Amendment to Exercise of Emergency Powers - Prohibitions on indoor and outdoor social gatherings to include social and fraternal organizations, recreation sports and programs or events, and wedding receptions at a wedding venue
- 2020-21 Award of Points under the Length of Service Award Program for Volunteer firefighters/EMS personnel
- 2019-01 Amending EO 2018-18 in order to add three members to the Spending Affordability Advisory Committee
- 2019-02 Creating the Ellicott City Community Development Corporation Exploration Committee
- 2019-03 Creating the Office of Human Rights Review Committee
- Final Report of the Office of Human Rights Review Committee
- 2019-04 Amending EO 2019-3 in order to add a member of Human Rights Review Committee
- 2019-05 Authorizing the County Executive to determine all matters relating to the sale, issuance, delivery and payment of Consolidated Public Improvement and Metropolitan District Bonds
- 2019-06 Ellicott City Advisory Master Plan
- 2019-07 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of County Government Operations
- 2019-08 Designating Howard County as a Bee City USA affiliate
- 2019-09 Harriet Tubman School Operations and Use Advisory
- 2019-10 Emergency Response and Recovery Plan
- 2019-11 Creating the Howard County Complete Count Committee
- 2019-12 Creating the Housing Opportunities Master Plan Task Force
- 2019-13 LGBTQ+ Workgroup
- 2019-14 Spending Affordability Advisory Committee