In 1995, HUD began requiring communities to submit one application for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants. This streamlined the application process, and encouraged the coordination of housing and support services for agencies providing direct homeless services, and placed emphasis on the development of local CoCs. The CoC is defined as “the local planning body that coordinates housing and support services funding for homeless families and individuals.” In 2009, President Obama introduced the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009. This Act amended and reauthorized the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act with substantial changes. In August 2012, HUD issued the Interim Rule which provided regulations for how the HEARTH Act of 2009 would be managed and administered.
The Purpose and Activities of the CoC are to:
- Promote community-wide goals to end homelessness;
- Provide funding to quickly rehouse homeless persons;
- Promote access to mainstream resources; and
- Improve self-sufficiency among people experiencing homelessness.
The CoC’s Primary Responsibilities are:
- Operating the CoC
- Designating and Operating a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)
- CoC Planning
The Program Components of the CoC Competitive Grant Program are:
- Permanent Housing (Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing)
- Transitional Housing
- Support Services Only (SSO)
- Homeless Management and Information System (HMIS)
Coalition to End Homelessness - Continuum of Care (CoC) Board & Governance
Coalition to End Homelessness
Below is the link to become a Participating Member of the Howard County Coalition to End Homelessness. Page six of the Governance Charter, outlines Coalition General Membership (Agency or Individual), page seven outlines that membership application is sufficient for joining and the responsibilities of all members. Please complete this form if you are interested in becoming a Howard County Coalition to End Homelessness member.
Coalition to End Homelessness Governance Charter
Mailing Address:
CoC Manager
Coalition to End Homelessness - Continuum of Care Program
Office of Community Partnerships
Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services
9830 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, MD 21046
If you are experiencing homelessness or an immediate housing crisis, please contact Grassroots Crisis Intervention 24 HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 410-531-6677 (voice/relay).

The Path Home
Over the last year, the Office of Community Partnerships has worked with the Howard County Coalition to End Homelessness to update and further the work of the 2010 Plan. The title of the new plan, The Path Home, refers to the Coalition’s goals to strengthen the Coordinated Entry System – the path – to allow clients to return to stable, sustainable housing. It is a five-year strategic plan to end homelessness in Howard County, and will be implemented by the Coalition through annual action plans to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief and nonrecurring. “The Path Home” has been developed in partnership with the Coalition to End Homelessness Board (CoC) with input from: the State of Maryland Department of Housing & Community Development, The National Alliance to End Homelessness, various Howard County Departments and Offices, and the community-wide Coalition to End Homelessness.
If you have questions related to The Path Home, please contact: The Office of Community Partnerships at 410-313-6400 (voice/relay) or send written correspondence to:
Mailing Address:
Howard County Coalition to End Homelessness
c/o Howard County Department of Community Resources & Services
Office of Community Partnerships
9830 Patuxent Woods Drive Columbia, MD 21046
The DCRS Office of Community Partnerships contracted the National Alliance to End Homelessness to conduct an assessment and analysis of our homeless response system and provide actionable recommendations for system improvements. The assessment was requested to address the lack of system flow in our current homeless response system. Recommendations from this assessment will be used to support the implementation of the county’s updated plan to end homelessness, The Path Home.
- Home Together-Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness
- Homelessness in America - Focus on Veterans
- Homelessness in America - Focus on Families with Children
- Homelessness in America - Focus on Chronic Homelessness Among People with Disabilities
- Housing First Fact Sheet
- Housing Focused Sheltering
- Rapid Re-Housing Summit Summary
- Howard County Glossary of Commonly Used Homeless Services Terms
- Howard County 2015 CoC Community Survey
- Maryland's 100-Day Housing Challenge
- Rapid Re-Housing Works: What the Evidence Says
Office of Community Partnerships (OCP)
SFY23 Homeless Solutions Program (HSP)
Notice of Funding Opportunity
Request for Proposals
Release Date: Monday, April 18, 2022
Due Date: Monday, April 25, 2022 by 2 p.m.
All applications submitted must pass the threshold review process in order to be considered for funding:
- Timely submission
- Completed Application
- Coversheet
- Proposed Budget
- Match Requirement
- Agency Documentation
Notice: Homelessness Solutions Program (HSP) funding is available for the purpose of preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness within local jurisdictions. However, the final awards are dependent upon the decision of Congress and the Maryland General Assembly.