Tuberculosis Control Program
The goal of the Tuberculosis (TB) Program is to control the incidence of TB by providing screening, preventative treatment and case management for active TB cases in Howard County.

The Tuberculosis program provides consultation and guidance to private providers and health care facilities in evaluating suspected cases of TB. Registered nurses provide education, medication through Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) services and contact investigation to all active TB cases. Contacts of active TB cases and other at risk individuals are offered screening and preventative treatment for latent TB. Nurses also administer TB therapy to immigrants and refugees with positive screening.
The program reports the results of its monitoring and surveillance activities to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Maryland Department of Health (MDH).
The Health Department screens those at the highest risk of developing Tuberculosis.
Are You at Risk for TB?
Anyone can get TB, but some people are more at risk than others.
- Have you lived with or spent time with someone who has or had TB disease?
- Do you come from a country where TB disease is common? Or, have you spent one month or more in a country with a high TB rate? (This is any country other than the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and those in Northern or Western Europe).
- Do you live or work in high-risk settings, such as correctional facilities, long term care facilities, nursing homes or homeless shelters?
- Are you a caregiver to someone at an increased risk for TB disease?
Others who are at risk for TB include:
- Infants, children and/or adolescents exposed to adults who are at increased risk for latent tuberculosis infection or TB disease
- Those who inject illegal drugs
- People who are sick with other diseases that weakens the immune system, such as diabetes, renal disease or HIV infection.
Tuberculosis Resources:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Basic TB Facts
- Maryland Department of Health - Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention
- Latent TB Infection - A Guide for Primary Healthcare Providers
If screening is needed for school or employment, many walk-in urgent care or health clinics in Howard County offer screening tests.
For more information, or to request services call the HCHD TB Control Program at
410-313-7500 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.