HIV/AIDS Program
We provide ANONYMOUS and CONFIDENTIAL HIV/AIDS testing & counseling.
Testing is free and occurs every Friday from 9:30am to 3:00pm (appointment preferred, but walk-ins are welcome).
Call 410-313-7500 for information and clinic availability.

- Health Education Lecture Sessions
- Outreach Program Services – Services focus on outreach to targeted high risk communities or individuals so that they may be referred and/or reconnect to care and treatment services for HIV/ AIDS. Call 410-313-7500 for more information.
- Court appointed classes for people charged with sex offences.
In April 2018, the Health Department began offering Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in the Columbia Health Center. If you live in Howard County and want to know if you are a PrEP candidate, call 410-313-7500.
A support service program providing assistance to qualified consumers in the areas of:
- HOPWA Housing Assistance - Housing opportunities for people with AIDS
- Linkage to Medical Care
- Medical Transportation
- Partner Notification
- Emergency Food Assistance (EFA)
Call 410-313-7500 for more information, or write
Howard County individuals living with HIV/AIDS who qualify for Ryan White A Program* services for the indigent/ uninsured may access medical services through two existing programs in Howard County.
These providers are:
Chase Brexton Health Services, Inc.
5500 Knoll North Drive, Suite 370,
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Phone number: 410-884-7831
Fax number: 410-715-3734
Johns Hopkins HIV Team
Howard County Medical Pavilion
10710 Charter Drive, Suite 420
Columbia, Maryland 21044
Phone number 410-614-3055 or 443-546-1500.
*The Ryan White Care Act is the United States' largest federally funded program for people living with HIV/AIDS. The Ryan White Care Act funds programs to improve availability of care for low-income, uninsured and under-insured victims of AIDS and their families. It is also the "payer of last resort," which subsidizes treatment when no other resources are available.
Howard County Individuals, living with HIV/AIDS, may receive Case Management Services through either Chase Brexton Health Services, or Johns Hopkins Moore Clinic
Chase Bexton
5500 Knoll North Drive, Suite 370
Columbia, Maryland 21045
Phone number: 410-884-7831
Fax number: 410-715-3734.
Johns Hopkins Moore Clinic
10710 Charter Dr., Suite 420
Columbia, MD 21044
Food and Care For All holds a monthly HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Support Group. Sessions are held every third Saturday of the month from 11 AM-12 PM at the FCFA Food Pantry Conference Room, 10262 Baltimore National Pike, Ellicott City, MD. (Click here to view the flier.)

*If you are part of the Ryan White program, HCHD can offer transportation to the meeting. To find out how, contact 410-313-7500.
Call 410-313-7500 for more information, or write