The Office of Workforce Development works with youth to help them in identifying and accomplishing their educational and career goals. Our services are aimed to help you succeed! Our staff will work with you one-on-one to create a personal plan for success and to connect you to education and /or in-demand industry occupations. For more information about how to enroll in our program click here.

2022 Summer Youth Employment Program
The Howard County Summer Youth Employment Program is right around the corner. Applications will be available beginning March 3, 2022 and will now close on May 20, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. Due to program constraints, late or incomplete packets will not be considered or accepted.
This six-week PAID program will focus on teaching youth valuable job readiness skills and career exploration in a structured learning environment. Limited positions are available, so apply early!
- Six weeks PAID job readiness training
- Competitive wage
- Up to 25 hours/week training
- A Howard County Resident between the ages of *14 and 24 and meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Low-Income
- High School Dropout
- Homeless or Runaway
- Pregnant or Parenting
- Foster Child
- Offender
- Limited Skills in Reading and Math
- IEP or 504 Plan
- English Language Learners
- Youth with Disabilities
- Youth who are unemployed, not attending school; considering leaving school or work.
* Youth must be 14 years old by July 1, 2022 to apply.
HOW TO APPLY: (please open the application packet in google chrome to avoid any issues)
Click the link above to obtain an application packet which contains a Documentation Check-Off Sheet, SSCI Background Check Form, Maryland Work Permit Application, and a Howard County Summer Youth Program Employment Application.
Please complete the application and submit all copies of the appropriate requested documentation to be considered for the program. Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed for content and to verify eligibility. Only eligible candidates who have submitted complete application packets will be contacted for an interview. Positions are limited.
Candidates will be selected based upon order of receipt of their completed application packet and through an interview process. Participants are strongly encouraged to submit completed packets with documentation to the Howard County Office of Workforce Development. Mailing instructions and drop-off sites are listed below.
Applicants may drop off or mail their application packet to the address below. If mailing, all application packets must be postmarked on or before May 20, 2022.
Howard County Office of Workforce Development
Columbia Workforce Center
7161 Columbia Gateway Dr. Ste. D
Columbia, MD 21046
Additional services we provide include:
- Career and employment coaching
- High school diploma attainment
- Skills training
- Tutoring
- Resume and interviewing assistance
- Job search assistance
- Paid/unpaid work experience
Contact us:
To get further information or to set up an appointment to enroll in the program,
Equal Opportunity Program
As an equal opportunity program, discrimination in WIOA Title I financially assisted programs or activities is prohibited by federal law and by Howard County Government. Our programs are made possible in part by grants from the U.S. Department of Labor. Veterans and eligible spouses receive priority of service in time and funding. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.