ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking members for the County’s Police Accountability Board. The deadline to apply is March 25th

Prioritizing public safety and reinforcing public trust can go hand in hand, and each remains a priority of my administration. Howard County’s Police Accountability Board will ensure transparency and engage our residents as partners in accountability. I encourage interested and engaged residents to apply.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

Comprised of seven voting members, two at-large members and one from each of the five councilmanic district, Board member responsibilities include: 

  • Review the outcome of complaint investigations to determine discipline and identify trends that could improve policing. 
  • Accept and forward complaints from citizens for investigation by the police and sheriff’s departments. 
  • Meet with community youth representatives at least twice a year and appoint members to Charging Committees and Trial Boards.  
  • Receive complaints of police misconduct filed by members of the public and review outcomes of disciplinary matters considered by the Charging Committee. 
  • Submit an annual report to the County that identifies any trends in disciplinary action against law enforcement personnel and makes policy recommendations that would improve police accountability. 

To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be a Howard County resident, 25 years of age or older, have a committed interest and active involvement in Howard County community service, and be able to attend quarterly meetings. Initially, board members will serve staggered terms of one to three years. Members will have to undergo a criminal background check and sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of appointment. Additionally, an individual may not be a member of the Board if they are an active police officer, an employee of county government or the Sheriff’s Office or have been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor with the statutory penalty of more than two years.  

Applicants should send a resume, brief letter, and background check form explaining why they want to serve on the Board to Kimberly Pruim either by email to kpruim@howardcountymd.gov or by mail to: Howard County Government, Office of the County Executive, Attn: Kimberly Pruim, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043.  

The names of eligible applicants will be submitted to the County Executive for approval and then to the County Council for confirmation. 

For more information about this Board, contact the Office of the County Executive at (410) 313-2013.


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