ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Columbia and Frederick were ranked 36th and 47th on Livability’s “2020 Top 100 Places to Live.” Livability surveyed more than 1,000 millennials about the factors that are most important to them when deciding where to live, including affordability, job opportunities, diversity and inclusion.


It is humbling to make this list with our neighbors in Frederick, and this is a testament to our continued investment in a quality of life. We’ve always known how special Columbia is, and it’s wonderful to see it receive the well-deserved recognition as one of the best places to live. Throughout the years, we’ve seen Columbia flourish as a central hub of arts and culture, inclusionary ideals, and an example of sustainability and green living. Columbia truly embodies Jim Rouse’s vision as a ‘city of hope’ and we are committed to ensuring our community is the best place to live, work, and play for all.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

“We are honored for Frederick to be recognized with Columbia on the list of Best Places to Live,” said Frederick County Executive Jan Gardner. “Our community’s thriving economy, top-notch schools and high quality of life offer something for everyone. With our rich history and bright future, Frederick is an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family.” 
"We have known for a long time that Frederick is a special place,” said City of Frederick Mayor Michael O’Connor. “The combination of history, technology, life sciences, art, and community is very unique! Whether you have lived here your entire life, or have recently relocated to make Frederick home, each person, business, and organization is part of our story."
Columbia and Frederick were ranked out of more than 1,000 cities with populations between 20,000 and 1,000,000. For each city, Livability calculated a score based on eight categories: 

  • Amenities 
  • Demographics 
  • Education 
  • Economy 
  • Health Care 
  • Housing 
  • Social and Civic Capital 
  • Transportation and Infrastructure 

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