ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County’s Department of Recreation & Parks today announced that the County’s Robinson Nature Center has once again been recertified a “Maryland Green Center” by the Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE). The Robinson Nature Center is one of only 42 certified Green Centers’ in Maryland, and one of only two in Howard County.

This recertification reaffirms the Robinson Nature Center’s commitment to supporting our Maryland schools, youth and community striving to be good stewards of our environment and learn more about the importance of conservation. I want to thank our Robinson Nature Center staff, its volunteers and supporters for their dedication to making this top-notch County facility a leader in environmental programming and education.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

The Maryland Green Center Award recognizes and honors a facility’s efforts in implementation of environmental education, best management practices and community engagement. MAEOE designated Green Centers educate schools, teachers and parents about the Maryland Green School Program, and offer support to those schools working towards being awarded the Maryland Green Schools status. 

Valid for four years, the Robinson Nature Center was certified a Maryland Green Center in 2013 and first recertified in 2017. To achieve recertification once more, the Robinson Nature Center had to provide documentation and evidence of work completed during the last four years that showed: (1) assistance to local schools becoming Green Schools; (2) environmental education-based professional development for teachers; and (3) the center being a model of sustainable practices for schools and the community.

“Since it first opened its doors in 2011, the Robinson Nature Center has helped to set the standard for environmental education and stewardship” said Recreation & Parks Director Raul Delerme. “The Center’s second recertification as an official Maryland Green Center is a testament to the passion and hard work of the Robinson Nature Center’s staff and volunteers.”

The Robinson Nature Center, along with other certified Maryland schools and facilities, will be recognized during a virtual ceremony this summer.

Situated on 18 acres of land adjacent to the Middle Patuxent Environmental Area, the Robinson Nature Center is an award-winning nature education facility owned and operated by the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks, with support from the James & Anne Robinson Foundation. To learn more about the Robinson Nature Center, visit www.howardcountymd.gov/Robinson

Founded in 1985, the MAEOE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage, engage and empower the community to understand, responsibly use and promote the natural world. To learn more about the MAEOE and/or for a complete list of Maryland Green Centers, visit www.maeoe.org.

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