ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, June 2nd starting at 6:30 p.m., to present plans for a stormwater pond principal spillway replacement project near 6501 and 6515 Huntshire Drive in Elkridge.

DPW’s Stormwater Management Division plans to replace the existing metal principal spillway pipes and riser structure with concrete pipes and riser structure to repair the existing stormwater management facility. Additionally, two forebays will be added, as well as riprap at the outfall, to protect against future erosion at the site. The sanitary sewer and water lines within the project area will be relocated. Finally, during the project, the section of Huntshire Drive located within the project area will be closed to all traffic and a traffic detour will be in place. This project is expected to begin in September 2021.

The informal meeting will include an overview of the project followed by an open discussion. County staff and representatives from the Maryland State Highway Administration and Howard County Public School System will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. To participate in the meeting by computer, go to www.webex.com and click “join;” the meeting number is 160 345 5617 and “stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 160 345 5617. 

Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Ms. Michele Monde with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-0844 or email mmonde@howardcountymd.gov

This project is funded through the Howard County’s Watershed Protection and Restoration Fund. 

For questions or more information about Capital Project D-1177, contact Lisa Brightwell, Public Works Customer Service, at 410-313-3440 or email publicworks@howardcountymd.gov.


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