ELLICOTT CITY, MD – A Howard County road maintenance project to extend the lifespan of nearly 22 miles of the County’s roads out west by seven to 10 years, is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, June 14th. Using a “chip seal” process, crews will patch and then spray liquid asphalt emulsion on the roadway and immediately cover the surface with fine stone. Rubber tired rollers then push the stone into the asphalt emulsion. Once the stone adheres to the asphalt emulsion, the loose stone will be swept away and the roadway lane markings repainted. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by early August.

These resurfacing projects are much needed to maintain the lifespan of our county roads and ensure reliable and accessible transportation for our community. This work is a precursor to the $10 million in County funding for road resurfacing needs for FY 2022, the highest investment since FY 2015 to address a more than $60 million backlog of projects. The average funding towards resurfacing over the last ten years was $5.6 million, and this is an important first step to improve the maintenance of our more than 3,

500 county roadways.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

County roads to be addressed will include:

Mount Airy:  

  • Camalo Drive from Old Frederick Road to dead end
  • Florence Road from Ed Warfield Road to Jennings Chapel Road
  • Long Corner Road from MD 144 to Howard/Montgomery County line
  • Paulownia Hill Court from Camalo Drive to dead end 
  • Penn Shop Road from Long Corner Road to MD 27
  • Watersville Road from MD 144 to West Watersville Road
  • West Watersville Road from Watersville Road to Old Frederick Road


  • Addison Way from MD 144 to dead end
  • AE Mullinix Road from Daisy Road to MD 94
  • Annapolis Rock Road from Hipsley Mill Road to MD 94
  • Duvall Road from Ed Warfield Road to AE Mullinix Road  
  • Ed Warfield Road from Daisy Road to Jennings Chapel Road
  • Hipsley Mill Road from Jennings Chapel Road to Howard/Montgomery County line
  • Jones Road from Hipsley Mill Road to Jennings Chapel Road

Signs will be posted to alert motorists and cyclists of the project and to urge caution when traveling through the project area as loose gravel and unmarked pavement can be expected until the work is complete.

While the County and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, drivers are reminded to stay alert and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Please slow down and don’t follow too closely when traveling through a work zone. Remember, work zone safety is in your hands.

For questions or concerns about this maintenance project, contact Lisa Brightwell, Public Works Customer Service, at 410-313-3440 or email publicworks@howardcountymd.gov

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