ELLICOTT CITY, MD - Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today announced Howard County Government buildings are now fully reopened to the public. Face coverings should be worn by anyone who is not vaccinated, and six-foot physical distancing is still encouraged. All employees and visitors should feel comfortable wearing a mask regardless of their vaccination status. Some County buildings and facilities, such as the 50+ Centers or Detention Center, may have stronger requirements for employees and visitors based on their specific use.


While we have made great strides in combating COVID-19, we are still taking all necessary precautions to keep our employees and public safe. Our County employees have worked hard to make our buildings safe and accessible to our residents and businesses who need to access services in person. Again, I implore anyone who has not already gotten vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

The County has also implemented a new visitor management system to keep non-public areas more secure for employees. Visitors will be required to sign in, obtain a badge and if visiting a non-public area have an escort to their meeting. 

Howard County will continue to adapt safety guidelines as needed based on local and Statewide metrics, the Center for Disease Control guidance and any local or state mandates.


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