The budget should reflect the collective priorities of our community. This hearing provides a wonderful opportunity for our residents to make their voices heard and priorities known as we work to develop the County’s FY23 budget. While we have faced many challenges with the ongoing pandemic, I’m confident Howard County will emerge stronger than ever, because when we work together anything is possible.
Beginning Monday, November 29th, residents will be able to sign-up ONLINE to speak at the hearing by going to Speakers must sign-up individually, and one person may not sign-up for several testifiers. Additionally, individual testimony is limited to three minutes and group testimony is limited to five. Speakers who have a document or record they wish to submit with their testimony are asked to email the file to, with “BUDGET TESTIMONY” in the subject line.
From the same link, residents will also have the option to provide online budget testimony; however, residents are reminded that internet testimony is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act.
Please contact the Howard County Office of Budget should you have questions or problems at 410-313-2077 or