Paying for supportive housing
Most supportive housing and assisted living is paid for with private funds. However there are a few resources that may be able to help.

Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) licensed for 1 to 16 beds are eligible to apply for approval as providers under the Senior Assisted Living Subsidy (SALS) which provides a maximum, state funded subsidy of $650 monthly to defray the cost of assisted living fees under COMAR 32.03.03. Eligible applicants must be at least 62 years of age, admitted to an approved ALF and qualify financially. For more information about the SALS program, call Maryland Access Point at 410-313-1234 (voice/relay).
Long-term care insurance is a policy with coverage that provides nursing-home care, home-health care, and adult daycare for individuals age 65 or older or with a chronic or disabling condition. The extent of the coverage depends on the policy. Review your contract for details as policy coverage ranges.
Aid and Attendance is a special enhanced pension for eligible veterans to receive additional funds to assist with long term care needs. Please click fact sheet below.
In Maryland, the Assisted Living Facilities are settings where residents on the Medicaid Community Options Waiver can receive assistance to cover room and board. For more information call Maryland Access Point at 410-313-1234 (voice/relay).