The Mission of the MultiService Center is to enrich the lives of residents in our community. We do this by offering ready access to human services and supports for becoming self-sufficient.
Address: 9900 Washington Blvd N, Laurel MD 20723
Main: 410-313-0220
Fax: 410-313-0235
Purple Bus Service: 800-270-9553

MakingChange, Inc.
January 31st -April 15th
We are now accepting new clients by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please call (443) 518-7649 or email VITA@makingchangecenter.org.
Please leave your name and telephone number and a Site Coordinator will follow up with you to schedule an appointment.
Services are provided by staff members who are caring, knowledgeable about the resources within our community, and skilled at navigating the system of local services. Call 410-313-0220 for assistance as in-person services are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Services available include:
- BGE/Utility Assistance
- Business Clothing
- Case Management
- Disability Services
- Educational Assistance
- Employment Assistance
- Eviction Prevention
- Ex-offender Services
- Financial Coaching
- First Month Rent Assistance
- Food Pantry
- Food Stamps
- Getting Ahead Program
- Home Delivered Meal Services
- Immigration Services
- Individual or Family Counseling
- Legal Assistance
- Medical Insurance/Medicaid
- Relationship and Parenting Support
- Support Services for Individuals with a Disability
- Veteran Services
- Water Bill Assistance
- Youth and Family Support
A one-stop shop for human services available to Howard County residents – some agencies are not only for Howard County residents. Call to inquire and to be directed to the appropriate agency. All agencies provide full services unless otherwise stated (*call 410-313-0220 to inquire about in-person services, currently limited due to COVID-19):
Accessible Resources for Independence (ARI)
ARI provides services to enhance quality of life and strengthen support systems including accessibility adaptations, peer mentoring, advocacy, independent living skills training, transition services, information and referral, and more...all designed to help people with disabilities take part in and contribute to their communities. *Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 8:30 am to 4 pm.
Chin Integration & Advocacy Network USA (CIAN USA)
Assists with resources to the Chin community. Including linking to food stamps (SNAP), health insurance, WIC, and employment help. *Wednesday, 9 am – 3:30 pm.
Community Action Council (CAC)
CAC services include eviction prevention, first month’s rent, energy assistance and referral to AMVET Thrift Store. *Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Howard County Department of Social Services (DHS)
DHS provides assistance to low-income families through the TCA grant, SNAP and Medical Assistance, *Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Springboard Community Services
Formerly known as Family and Children's Services, Springboard provides case management services, counseling for individuals, couples and families, and water bill assistance. *Offered Monday - Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Luminus (formerly FIRN)
Renamed in 2021, the Luminus Network for New Americans provides services to immigrants on *Wednesdays, noon – 2:00 pm.
Direct care mental health and substance abuse services. *Wednesdays, 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Provides a variety of support programs and trainings to strengthen families and help adults and youth thrive, including: Marriage and Relationship Support; Family Strengthening Courses; Parent Workshops; Youth Programs; Wellness programs;, and Professional Development Training and Consulting for Family and Youth Providers. For more information, call 410-978-1859 or visit www.thejacarandacenter.org. *Mondays, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm.
Provides lifesaving Childcare Advocacy to women who are single parents. Our advocacy provides an opportunity to "bridge" women to work, so they become self-sustaining to take care of their families. Our advocacy also helps grandparents who need childcare assistance for their grandchildren. *Tuesdays 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Programs to help you manage your finances, including Financial Coaching and personalized financial education for individuals to develop healthier money habits; financial seminars and programs on a broad range of financial topics focused on comprehensive, personal money management skills; and free tax preparation for eligible individuals. Visit www.makingchangecenter.org to learn more or make an appointment. *Tuesday/Wednesdays 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Provides assistance to the men and women who served in the Uniformed Services of the United States, their dependents, and survivors in obtaining benefits form the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Department of Defense, State of Maryland, and other programs. *Monday -Friday, 8:30 – 3:30 pm.
MCHP (health and dental plans) enrollment assistance, by appointment only. Call 855-642-8572 to make an appointment on Wednesdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Provides free legal services to low income persons. Areas of law include family, consumer, public benefits, housing and elder law. Provides representation to vulnerable populations such as seasonal farm workers, nursing home and assisted living residents. *Second, third and fourth Wednesdays of each month, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
MOW enables people to live independently at home by providing nutritious home-delivered meals, personal contact and related services. Monday - Friday, 9 am to 23:30 pm.
OWD strives to generate employment and training workforce solutions which are responsive to business and job seeker needs. Provides professional and individualized services to job seekers. *Offered Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, 10:30 am - 6 pm.
Re-entry assists individuals experiencing barriers in housing, employment, or other services due to their criminal history. Staff meets with client to determine areas of need and link the client to agencies. Examples of assistance include: linkage to public assistance benefits such as food stamps and medical assistance, employment assistance, housing search and assistance, linkage to vocational training or college, linkage to food pantries and clothes closets, referral to addictions services and local NA/AA meetings, referral to mental health and medical service providers, and assistance with accessing and navigating public transportation. Criteria for services: a minimum of one night spent incarcerated at a correctional facility. *Mondays 1:00 – 5:00 pm, Tuesdays - Fridays by appointment only.
SIS provides business wardrobes and coaching at no cost to disadvantaged men and women seeking employment. A referral is needed. *Wednesdays 11:00 am – 4:00 pm.
The MSC Food Pantry is open to serve the community on Mondays and Wednesdays, noon to 4:00 p.m. and the third Saturday of the month, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. To protect both clients and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, food items are pre-packaged in "grab and go" bags. For more information, view the food pantry flier in English or Spanish.
The MSC Community Advisory Board was created to help ensure the MSC is responsive to the needs of the community and provides an appropriate mix of services.
The hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 4:30p. The contact number is 410-313-0220.
No, walk-ins are welcomed.
Yes, there are services at the MSC that can be provided to you as a Howard County resident.
No, all services are provided to Howard County residents free of charge.
There is not a waiting list for counseling services. You can contact the MSC to schedule an appointment to speak with someone.