Michelle has extensive experience in local government operations, research, and project management. She has several years of experience working in cities and towns across the country on various issues. Before coming to Howard County, she worked for Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County Planning Department as Management Services Division Chief. Bailey-Hedgepeth holds both a Master’s in Public Administration from Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Professionally her specialties are Strategic Planning, Public Information/Media Relations, Performance Measurement, Local Government Policy Implementation and Analysis, Inter-Governmental Relations, Franchise Administration, Labor Negotiations, and other related areas. She currently works as the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer for Howard County Government.
Michelle moved to the Baltimore area in 2011 with her husband and their daughter. Her hobbies include gardening, beekeeping, tennis, and other outdoor activities. Her most recent endeavors include BeeMore.net, a site devoted to city beekeeping, gardening, and health-related matters.