Sameer Sidh serves as the Chief of Staff to County Executive Calvin Ball.  In this role, Sidh oversees the Administration’s policy, legislative and communications functions, working with staff to develop strategy and execute directives in each of these critical areas. Sidh holds direct responsibility over land use, infrastructure, budget and education issues, serving as the Administration’s liaison to the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS), State government and the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC).  During his tenure, Sidh has helped lead the Administration to the passage of two successful budgets, developed a plan to resolve the HCPSS health fund deficit, and coordinated management of the fiscal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.    

Sidh previously served as Chief of Staff at Towson University. In the Chief of Staff position at TU, Sidh led planning, coordination, and project management of presidential-initiated efforts, and worked closely with the university’s leadership team to “boundary span” across university divisions to ensure alignment of objectives and budget.

Sidh came to Towson University from the Office of the Mayor of Baltimore City, where he served as the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Citistat. In his tenure as director, Sidh drove significant productivity and transparency improvements through increased communications and convening cross-agency and cross-sector workgroups.

Prior to serving as the Director of Citistat, Sidh worked as the Deputy Chief of Staff for the Maryland Department of Transportation where he held a position on the senior executive team of a 9,000-employee department collaborating on policy direction with senior management. He also previously served as both Acting Director and Deputy Director of the StateStat in the Office of Governor Martin O’Malley.

Sidh recently served as the Howard County representative on the Central Maryland Regional Transit Plan Commission, and currently serves on the board of the BWI Business Partnership and the Creative Alliance. He holds a J.D. from the University of Baltimore School of Law, and is a member of the Maryland State Bar. He earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from James Madison University.

Chief of Staff
County Executive

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