Rodent & Wildlife Control
Rats and mice can cause property damage and transmit diseases. The key to discouraging rodents is eliminating food sources, sealing holes that permit entry into homes, and trapping them.

The resources below provide details to discourage and eliminate rodents near and in your home or business.
- HCHD Rat Harborage Prevention and Control Measures Flier
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Rodent Information
- Environmental Protection Agency Identify and Prevent Rodent Infestations
- Agencia de Proteccion Ambiental de Estados Unidos Identifique y prevenga las infestaciones por roedeores
- Nuisance wildlife: Companies or individuals licensed to address wildlife removal
- Injured Deer or Deer Carcass Removal: Howard County Animal Control responds for critically injured or deceased deer on county roadways and on private property, if the deer is within 250 feet of a dwelling. Residents should call 410-313-2780 during business hours or 410-313-2929 after hours.