Important Meeting Information

April 1, 2021 HPC Meeting Information

April 1 HPC Meeting Information

Following the announcement of the closure of the George Howard Building to the public, the Department of Planning and Zoning continues to operate through remote service. Given state and local mandates to cease in-person meetings, the HPC is unable to conduct public in-person hearings.  The Commission will conduct their regular April meeting as a virtual meeting on April 1, 2021 at 7:00 pm, where the public is invited to speak on the agenda items. 

The Historic Preservation Commission meeting on April 1, 2021 at 7:00 pm will be a WebEx meeting only. If you would like to testify, you must pre-register so you can be identified during the WebEx meeting.  See "Registering for the Meeting" and  “Providing Testimony” on the next tabs for additional instructions.

Registering for the April 1, 2021 HPC Meeting

Registering for the April 1, 2021 HPC Meeting

Join the meeting via computer: If you would like to join the meeting through your computer to view and hear the presentations, you will need to register. Once registered, further instructions and a call-in attendee number will be provided via email.

Register Here:

Join the meeting via telephone only: If you only want to listen to the meeting and are not providing testimony call 1-650-479-3207 at the meeting time. When prompted, 157 841 1484 # as the event access code.

Providing Testimony at the April 1, 2021 HPC Meeting

Providing testimony at the April 1 HPC Meeting

Oral Testimony – Those who wish to provide oral testimony are required to sign up online by noon on April 1, 2021. Please follow the above instructions for registering, where there will be an option to sign-up to testify. After you register through WebEx, please email by noon on April 1st with the case information that you wish to testify on, so that we can better prepare for the virtual meeting.

Documentary Evidence – Documentary evidence must be submitted by noon on April 1st. All documents must be submitted in a pdf format (please contact HPC staff at the above email address for questions/assistance). Anyone submitting evidence must participate in the virtual meeting and prese

April 1, 2021 HPC Agenda

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