Howard County police will be out in force this Super Bowl weekend working to keep the roads safe. Police are alerting drivers that saturation patrols will be in place to seek out impaired drivers and take them off the road. The department is urging football fans who plan to attend parties Sunday to designate a sober driver before consuming any alcohol or arrange for a ride service. 

Police are reminding drivers that there are strong penalties in Maryland for those convicted of driving under the influence. The law mandates ignition interlocks for those convicted of drunk driving on a first offense. It also requires significant driver’s license suspension periods. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each year over 100 lives are lost in Maryland in crashes involving impaired drivers; thousands more are injured, all of which could have been avoided with the use of a designated driver or a ride service. 

HCPD and the Maryland Highway Safety Office offer the following tips to celebrate safely. 

If you’re attending a party:  

-    Designate a sober driver or plan another way to get home safely before the party begins.
-    Don’t have a sober driver? Call a friend, a cab or rideshare service, or stay for the night.
-    Never let friends drive if they’ve had too much to drink.

If you’re hosting a party: 

-    Encourage your guests to designate a sober driver in advance.
-    Serve plenty of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
-    Keep the numbers for local cab companies and rideshare services handy or arrange for alternate transportation for guests.
-    Take the keys away from guests who shouldn’t be driving.

Officers will be out in increased numbers before and after the game looking for drivers exhibiting signs of impairment. The department also reminds drivers and passengers to always wear a seatbelt; a properly worn seatbelt is the best defense against injury in any crash. 

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