For safety reasons, the Bureau of Utilities is requiring all tanker trucks that are over 30 feet long to use the hydrant located at the West Friendship Fire Station on east bound Rt. 99 just east of Rt. 32. It is requested, again for safety reasons, that all tanker trucks filling with large volumes of water use this location. Additional information can be obtained by calling the Bureau of Utilities at 410-313-4977.

Beginning July 1, 2019, the following changes will go into effect regarding the Bureau of Utilities fire hydrant meter rental program:
Fire hydrant meters rental agreements will be for six-months. The meter must be returned to the Bureau of Utilities on or before the expiration date as noted on the rental agreement. Ifa fire hydrant meter is still needed at the conclusion of the six months, a new agreement must be obtained.
- A monthly usage log must be kept that records the location (i.e. hydrant #), the time of connection, the date, the beginning meter reading and the ending meter reading for each meter usage.
- A monthly usage log and a photograph of the meter dial and number shall be emailed by the first of each month to the email provided below.
- An estimated water usage charge of 1,500 gallons per day will be billed if meter readings are not provided for the quarterly bill.
- If a meter is lost or stolen, the customer’s deposit will immediately be applied towards the cost of a replacement meter. Additionally, the customer will be billed for any replacement costs that exceed the amount of the deposit. Furthermore, the following costs will also be assessed against the account:
- late fees;
- monthly service charges and
- a water usage charge of 1,500 gallons per day
- The Bureau of Utilities reserves the right to perform periodic field inspections of the meter during the six-month rental period.
- The deposit for a one-inch meter has increased from $350.00 to $400.00 and for a three-inch meter from $1,250.00 to $1,500.00
- The entire monthly service charge will be assessed no matter what day of the month the agreement begins.
- When submitting a fire hydrant rental agreement, the following documents are required:
- a valid, state-issued identification card (i.e. a driver’s license);
- a company business card;
- a copy of your Federal Tax Identification number (i.e. copy of your W-9) and
- check or money order for your deposit payment ($400 for a one-inch meter) or $1,500 for a three-inch meter). Cash will not be accepted.