Take a digital scavenger hunt! Gather a team of 2-6 adults for this fun, sustainable adventure for a local take on “Amazing Race.” Get ready to use teamwork, planning, and problem-solving skills. Extra brownie points for comedy and costumes. Each team is given a list of items to find and some challenging tasks to perform within a time limit. Teams (1) must register by noon on dates listed below, (2) receive instructions by 7pm, and (3) submit entries by midnight the following Sunday. Registration and entry fee required for each team member. Winners receive gift certificates. All tasks can be adapted as needed to accommodate accessibility. Info: Karen Bradley Ehler, kehler@howardcountymd.gov.

16 yrs +
RP3300.701 Online, Apr 22, F - $10
RP3300.801 Online, Jun 24, F - $10
RP3300.802 Online, Aug 12, F - $10

Howard County Residents
Online registration starting March 2 at 6pm.
All other methods starting March 3.

Out-of-County Residents
Online registration starting March 9 at 6pm.
All other methods starting March 10.

June 24 - 26, 2022
12:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Hosted By

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