Celebrate the joys of hiking and community with a morning jaunt through Rockburn Branch Park! Wander through quiet forests, past meadows, and savor the feeling of natural surface trail under your treads. Sarah Duffy, one of our experienced hiking Park Rangers, will guide you along an inspiring route, then the group will enjoy a picnic lunch together. Please bring your lunch, water, and all the essentials for a safe and enjoyable summer morning hike. Info: Sarah Duffy, 410-313-3708 or sduffy@howardcountymd.gov.

18 yrs + Rockburn Branch Pk
RP4883.801  Aug 21  11:30am-1:30pm   Su   $10

Please note: there are separate East and West entrances to this park.

Howard County Residents
Online registration starting March 2 at 6pm.
All other methods starting March 3.

Out-of-County Residents
Online registration starting March 9 at 6pm.
All other methods starting March 10.


August 21, 2022
11:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Hosted By

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