Notice of Public Hearing Howard County Department of Recreation & Parks  

FY2023 Capital Budget 

By virtue of and pursuant to the provisions of Subtitle 4, Section 19.400, of the Howard County Code, notice is hereby given that the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board will conduct a Public Hearing to consider the Department of Recreation and Parks’ Fiscal Year 2023 “Draft” Capital Budget, and the Fiscal Year 2023-2032 “Draft” Capital Improvement Program for the acquisition and development of park and recreation lands. 

The hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Howard County Recreation & Parks Headquarters (7120 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia). 

You may send all questions and comments to ahead of time and through the questions & answer portion of the meeting.  

Beginning December 1, citizens can sign-up online to speak at the hearing by visiting and clicking on “Public Comment.” From the same link, citizens will have the option to provide online testimony. Citizens are reminded that internet testimony is considered public information and is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act. 

Citizens who do not wish to sign up online, will still be able to sign up in person at the public hearing beginning at 6:30 PM on December 15. 

An ASL interpreter for any person who is hearing impaired will be on site. 

December 15, 2021
07:00 PM
Hosted By

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