The public hearing will now be a separate, online meeting.  The Monthly Howard County Department of Recreation & Parks Advisory Board Meeting will still be held and will not have a public hearing component.

Both Meetings Will Be Virtual.

Both Meetings Will Start at 7pm.

The Advisory Board will host an online, live meeting on Wednesday, January 19 at 7pm. The meeting will be on Webex and will be live-streamed to all participants that preregister. Once registered, you may listen through a phone or view the meeting on a computer. To join the meeting: email no later than January 18 at 9am. You will then receive information on how to log on to the WebEx meeting once you register.

Public Hearing: Seeking Input On Patuxent Branch Trail Improvement Project

Notice is hereby given that there will be a public hearing on developing plans for improvements to the Patuxent Branch Trail from the Guilford Quarry Pratt Through Truss Bridge to Vollmerhausen Road. The Howard County Department of Public Works,  Howard County Office of Transportation, and the County’s engineering consultant, RK&K, will be in attendance to hear comments and answer questions.

The hearing will be held online: The hearing will be held online:

RK&K will present schematic plans for the proposed Patuxent Branch Trail improvements. Public input relating to the proposed improvements to the Patuxent Branch Trail will be welcome. 

You may send questions and comments regarding the Patuxent Branch Trail Improvement Project during the meeting through the "chat" function.

January 19, 2022
07:00 PM
Hosted By

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