What's summer without a little country music? Join us at Centennial Park for a FREE concert by the multi-talented Risa Binder. Risa graduated from Howard High School and the University of Maryland (College Park) and now resides in Nashville but comes to Maryland often. She was nominated for an Emmy for song writing and has opened for national country acts. She performed at Wine in the Woods several years ago and we are excited to have her return to Howard County. Concert is located at the Centennial Park Amphitheater. *End time is not exact.

Can't attend this event? Check out our other free concerts below:

June 29: U.S. Army National Guard "Live Fire" - Free Rock Concert

July 13: Bach To Rock - Music School Showcase Free Rock Concert

July 27: Damon Foreman & Blue Funk - Free Funk/Blues/Rock Concert

More info: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/summer-concerts

July 20, 2022
07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
Hosted By

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