Celebrate the historic launch of NASA’s James Webb Telescope – hailed as this generation’s “Hubble” – with a fascinating hands-on activity kit. James Webb will scan the infrared spectrum to peer further into the universe’s past than was previously possible. Your family learns how the telescope works, experiments with infrared light and discovers the telescope’s launch date and progress. Limited kit quantities available thanks to generous sponsorship by the James & Anne Robinson Foundation. Info: 410-313-0400.

Register by Oct 7. Pick up on Oct 15, 3:30-5pm.

Howard County Residents:
Online registration starting August 4 at 6pm.
All other methods starting August 5.

Out-of-County Residents:
Online registration starting August 11 at 6pm.
All other methods starting August 12.

October 14 - 15, 2021
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM

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