Join us in inaugurating this new, monthly tradition. The center turned 10 years old in 2021, so let’s honor James & Anne Robinson, the last private citizens to own the property. The Robinson's wanted their land to connect people of all ages to nature. Enjoy an inter-generational story time each month near the footprint of where their house once stood. Bring a book or enjoy one of ours. Free books are raffled off each month with support of James & Anne Robinson Foundation. Info: 410-313-0400.
All ages Free
RP4862.803 Robinson Nature Ctr Aug 27 10-11am Sa
Howard County Residents
Online registration starting March 2 at 6pm.
All other methods starting March 3.
Out-of-County Residents
Online registration starting March 9 at 6pm.
All other methods starting March 10.